I am just back from a short buying trip to
Paris (sounds glamorous till you see me dragging a bag full of findings, chains, stones and fabrics in and out of metro!). Every time I go to the
city of fashion I find something special. This time I found a paradise for fabric remnants lovers like me.
Les Coupons de St Pierre is a little shop full of improbably beautiful fabric ends. They have synthetic mix fabrics for €5 per 3 metre cuts. But I was after silk and, thank God, I only had a limited amount of money in my wallet. It took me a while to find silk remnants under piles of other fabrics and then I just couldn't stop pulling them out. Priced at €15-30 for 3 metres they were so good I wanted to stuff my bag full of them!
If you don't like digging through mountains of stuff looking for treasures and easily annoyed by fellow shoppers going crazy around you, this little Parisian shop is not your place. Go across the road to it's bigger brother Marche St Pierre (the kingdom of tissues, as they call it on their
website) to shop in a civilised manner and pay 3-4 times the price.
As for me, I love the thrill of unexpected finds, no matter how much of a stampede around me or how deep I have to dig.
Les Coupons de St Pierre, 1, Place St Pierre, 75018 Paris, metro: Anvers.